“Keep Dreaming” aims to enhance the experience of social participation and volunteering of young people in community actions through the enhancement of their mental health. This project seeks to give young people the power and motivation to play a crucial role in their personal development, as well as in the development of their communities through active participation, which allows them to acquire essential skills for life, develop understanding of human rights and citizenship; and foster effective civic engagement. The sense of initiation that can be implemented in each participant can promote their participation and social commitment. This project will focus on all stages of youth engagement and how to turn an anxious and stressful experience into a healthier and more effective one. Improving youth participation can have a direct impact on active citizenship. By providing ways to have healthier engagement, young people will definitely be able to get more involved in their local communities, start taking action at different levels from towns, larger cities or even national and global. Also, when young people start to build a healthier community.

Target Groups

The target groups that participate in this project are very diverse and are indirectly affected by the mental health conditions of young people and their participation and involvement in the activities they propose and work on.

Young People

Young people with fewer opportunities aged 15 to 25, from low-income families, who face social (discrimination and unstable living conditions) and educational barriers’ and who live in the rural areas that are geographically remoted from various opportunities.

Groups & youth social workers

Regional and international authority-funded establishments, youth groups, youth social workers, and community education professionals collaborating in affiliations, youth spaces, and community centers, with a dedicated expertise, working with young people with fewer opportunities, including young people living in rural areas.

Researchers & Associations

Academics, researchers, voluntary associations, and stakeholders from all participating countries whom will be engaged and integrated at frequent intervals throughout the project’s execution to construct activities, advise on project implementation, and exchange experiences

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Project Objectives

Promote wellness and mental health care during volunteer activities
Examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth mental health
Break mental health stereotypes and increase youth awareness of care of mental health
Investigate establishing effective participation strategies in relation to mental health
Create a Toolkit about good practices and methods in the field of mental health.
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