Keep Dreaming Youth Exchange: Participation and Well-Being in Youth

Youth Exchange | 07/05/2024–12/05/2024 | Giardini Naxos, Italy
The picturesque town of Giardini Naxos, Italy, recently became a vibrant hub for an inspiring Youth Exchange program titled “Keep Dreaming: Participation and Well-Being in Youth.” Held from May 7th to May 12th, 2024, this event brought together 20 young participants from Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, and Spain to explore the vital themes of mental health and social participation

Main Activities

The exchange was filled with enriching workshops and lectures focusing on mental health among young people. These sessions were designed to empower participants with knowledge and strategies to foster well-being in their communities. Additionally, various group activities and interactive games, rooted in non-formal learning methods, were conducted. These activities not only facilitated deeper interactions among the participants but also provided insights into the diverse socio-cultural contexts of each country involved.

A significant highlight of the program was an overview of the Erasmus+ program and its goals. This session informed the participants about the myriad opportunities offered by Erasmus+, encouraging them to explore and engage with the program further.

Main Outcomes

The Youth Exchange resulted in several impactful outcomes:

Artistic Expression: Through collaborative group work, participants created compelling artworks centered on social participation. These pieces not only showcased their creativity but also highlighted the importance of community involvement.

Communication Strategies: Brainstorming sessions led to the development of innovative communication strategies. Participants planned and discussed ways to effectively disseminate information and engage their peers on topics related to mental health and social participation.

Broad Reach and Dissemination: The dissemination efforts by participants and sending organizations ensured a wide-reaching impact. Locally, in Giardini Naxos, the hosting organization, Associazione Culturale Idee in Movimento, saw a significant increase in interest among young people regarding mental health, social participation, and Erasmus+ opportunities. Online dissemination further expanded the reach, engaging a diverse audience across the partner countries.

Hosting Organisation and Partners

The event was hosted by Associazione Culturale Idee in Movimento, and supported by partner organizations: PlanB Educaciòn Social (Spain), IntermediaKT (Greece), and Volunteer Center Skopje (North Macedonia).A Unified Vision

A unified vision

The “Keep Dreaming: Participation and Well-Being in Youth” exchange was a testament to the power of international collaboration and youth engagement. It provided a platform for young people to share their experiences, learn from each other, and develop actionable plans to enhance their communities’ mental health and social participation.

This Youth Exchange not only fostered a deeper understanding of mental health issues but also inspired a generation to dream big and work collectively towards a healthier, more inclusive future. As the participants return to their respective countries, they carry with them new knowledge, stronger connections, and a renewed commitment to making a positive impact.

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